Monday, July 20, 2009

Enter to win a SodaStream @SavingWithMamaNordy

Oh how I need one of these machines. I have to lug every item I buy up a mountain. That includes soda which is heavy and takes up a lot of room so usually means I have to make more than one trip and trust me if you have ever lugged one trip of groceries up this mountain you wouldn't want to have to go back down and lug another arm of groceries up again. This SodaStream is AMAZING~! Just think one economy-sized bottles makes around 12 liters. That is so wonderful. I could order 3 economy sized bottles and it would supply us all our favorite flavors and we would have enough soda to last 3 months~! I couldn't believe they carried all my family favorites including my favorite "CREAM SODA". I can't find it in most of the local stores here so I don't get to have it very often. Plus I hate buying anything but a single serve when i'm out and about because I know I'm going to have to lug it up the mountain and not to mention we have to recycle all our soda bottles in this state so I then have to lug all the empties back down the mountain to recycle them. I am so excited about the review and giveaway at
"Saving With Mama Nordy" She is having this amazing giveaway for one of these fantastic SodaStream Machine. Just click on the link above and read her review and enter while your their.

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