Thursday, December 25, 2008

Giving Back~

I just came back from reading a terrific blog at Jessica Knows. It's all about Giving Back and Paying it forward. What is a little ironic is one of my all time favorite movies is "Paying It Forward" And I always thought if the whole world thought like that what a wonderful place this would be. In my opinion there are takers and their are givers in this world and I'm glad I am a giver.This is my chance to pay it forward with the help from Jessica Knows and Libby's. They are having a wonderful giveaway for $300 which you can keep $150 and you get to pick what charity you would like to give the other $150 to. This is a great way to give back to your community or or to help a struggling charity. I live in a small town and unfortunately the down is 400,000 in debt and the school system and local food banks are struggling to keep going. My parents volunteer to pick up the food and transport it back to the local food bank and help deliver food to needy families and I have in the past been the volunteer treasurer until they could find someone more permanent. I work away from home and I'm gone 10hrs a day and with school functions with the kids I just don't have the time to volunteer any longer on a regular basis but this would give me a way to still help them out. I would love to donate the $150 to the local Tri Town Food Cupboard. If you would like to Pay It Forward to a charity check out Jessica Knows wonderful site by clicking on the link below. Hope this holiday found you and your family a healthy and happy holiday season~!

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