Sunday, March 10, 2013

A Predator Lurking

I enjoy the rabbits that run loose on the property each and every day. When we have a new batch of bunnies appear and they are so small they could fit in the palm of your hand I spend most of my day watching out the windows looking at the new bunnies. We recently had two new batches of bunnies arrive and one batch was very unique in color and markings. I was excited because before this batch was born they all were either black or white in color. This batch had some Tan/Grey with white splashes on them which was so cute. I only saw them for a few days and one by one they disappeared which told me we have a predator lurking around some where. I looked for tracks in the snow but didn't find any. Well about a week later I'm pulling out of the driveway and sitting high on a limb at the end of our driveway was a huge owl. It was as white as the snow. It was very beautiful, until I thought about what that owl was up to. I tried to get a picture of it but it was so far up in the tree and so dark out I just couldn't get a picture. Then just two days later I spotted another owl but this one wasn't so pretty and it was white with speckled brown through it. This time I did get a picture but not a very good one.

Actually I think it's rather spooky looking. This Snow Owl has been killing and eating my precious little bunnies. Out of two litters I have one little black bunny left. This was really upsetting because Easter is so close and we were hoping to have bunnies in time for the holiday for the kids.  I feed our feathered friends so I like birds but I just don't like birds eating my cute bunnies. 

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