Friday, July 29, 2011

She's done it again~! Sweeps4Bloggers Fantastic Review & Giveaway~!

Sweeps4Bloggers is not a new blogger around here. I'm always finding myself blogging about one or more of her fantastic reviews/giveaways. This time is no different. Thanks to her review & giveaway I just discovered a fantastic printing company called This printer stands out from all the rest because you can pick several designs for one printing job and there are tons to choose from right on site. For example I was just checking out all the designs offered for postcards and every time I found one I liked I just clicked the button that said drop down and it would put it in my prints so if I ordered 60 postcards and I had dropped 6 different designs into my prints then I would get 10 prints of each 6 designs. So instead of getting 60 of the same design you can mix it up a bit and get several different designs. Cool right,,,,,well there's more. Sweeps4Bloggers has done a complete review and 5 of her readers have a chance to win a $100 Gift Certificate from,,,,,, yes 5winners of $100 Gift Card. I couldn't wait to enter and I'm sure you can't either so just click here.

1 comment:

Shauna said...

SWEET! Thanks for sharing :) Shauna from