Monday, November 17, 2008

One of Those Days!

Have you ever had "One of Those Days" where nothing seemed to go right? Well yesterday was one of those days for sure. We had 3 days of nothing but rain and I mean down pours. But late yesterday afternoon the wind picked up and after 3 days at camp we headed home however about 10 miles later we came to an abrupt stop because there was a fire truck parked across the road and after sitting still for 20 minutes we decided to find out why. Well come to find out the wind had brought down a huge fur tree and snapped the electric lines. So we waited and waited for the local electric company to show up and shut off the power and remove the line. One man had been there an hour when we showed up and we sat waiting for about an hour ourselves. The poor guy was trying to get home after a long day at work and the kicker was he only had less than 5 miles and he would of been home. Anyhow we finally get to go.Then we drove another 10 miles or so and noticed that all the lights were out in town and since it was the next town over from ours we knew we probably didn't have electricity either and sure enough we didn't. Once we got home we ran around finding as many candles as possible and one kerosene lantern to try and light the house up. Since the power hadn't been out long I figured we better get showers while we knew the holding tank was full of hot water (while the getting was good) just in case the power stayed off for a long period of time at least we all would be clean. So by candle light(and not much of it) I jumped in the shower then while my youngest was taking his shower I commenced to cooking supper in the dim dark kitchen.( thank goodness for gas stoves) No more had we all finished taking our showers and eaten in the dark but on pops the power. Go figure right. Well anyhow at least it wasn't worse since it gets mighty cold here in the winter months with no heat and with no power we had no heat so even though it was one of those days it could of been a lot worse.

1 comment:

bonggamom said...

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